pycuerun command

Submit and launch OpenCue jobs

This page lists the arguments and flags you can specify for the pycuerun command. You can run pycuerun to launch OpenCue outline jobs and frames. To submit a job to OpenCue, you must first create an outline script.

The command expects the following usage pattern:

pycuerun [options] outline_script [frame range]

To run the command, you must provide an outline script.

Help options

-h, --help

Show this help message and exit.

Standard options

-b BACKEND and --backend=BACKEND

Arguments: The name of an existing backend.

Set the backend for the job.

-s SERVER and --server=SERVER

Arguments: The name of an existing server.

Set the server for the job.

-F FACILITY and --facility=FACILITY

Arguments: The name of an existing facility.

Set the job facility.

-V and --verbose

Enable verbose output.

-D and --debug

Turn on debugging.

Development options

-v VERSION and --version=VERSION

Arguments: The name of an existing facility.

-r REPOS and --repos=REPOS

Arguments: The name of a repository.


Add current user’s dev areas to python path.


Arguments: A user’s dev area.

Add given user’s dev areas to python path.


Arguments: A key/value pair.

Add environment key/value pairs with --env k=v.

Job options

-p and --pause

Launch outline script in paused state.

-w and --wait

Block until the launched job is completed.

-t and --test

Block until the job is completed or failed.

-f RANGE and --range=RANGE

Arguments: A range of frames.

Specify the frame range. Defaults to $FR env variable.


Switch job to the specified shot.


Disable email notifications.


Arguments: The maximum number of retries per frame.

Set the max number of retries per frame.

-o OS and --os=OS

Arguments: An operating system.

Set the target operating system for the job.


Arguments: The base name for the job.

Set the base name for the job.


Automatically eat dead frames with no retry.


Allow artist to QC to the job before the job leaves the cue on completion.

Frame execution options

-e FRAME_NAME and --execute=FRAME_NAME

Arguments: The name of a frame.

Execute the given frame. Example: 1-bty_all

-i SCRIPT and --inspect=SCRIPT

Arguments: The name of an outline script.

Dump some information on the given outline script.

-u USER and --user=USER

Arguments: A username.

Set the user to run as.

-j JOB_ID and --jobid=JOB_ID

Arguments: The base name of a job.

Specify the basename of the job associated with an outline.

-m MAX_RETRIES and --maxretries=MAX_RETRIES

Arguments: The maximum number of retries for this job.

Specify max retries for this job.

Plugin options

-L RUN_LOCAL and --run-local=RUN_LOCAL

Arguments: RUN_LOCAL

Run local cores.

-T RUN_LOCAL_THREADS and --run-local-threads=RUN_LOCAL_THREADS


Set number of threads for local cores to run per frame.

Last modified Tuesday, July 9, 2019: Add create project issue link (4d14b47)